
Enhance Your Security and Performance with Cloudflare Professional Services

Authorized Service Delivery Partner

Discover Cloudflare

Maximizing Security and Performance for the Modern Web

Brixio, as an Authorized Cloudflare Service Delivery Partner, brings you the pinnacle of Application Security & Performance, Network Security, SASE & SSE platforms, and Edge computing solutions. Our partnership with Cloudflare is founded on a commitment to deliver unmatched digital experiences through speed and security.

Navigating Complex Cloud Environment

Why Cloudflare?

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Deep Threat Insight

With extensive visibility into the threat landscape, Cloudflare provides proactive defenses against emerging security threats.

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Major Traffic Conduit

As a dominant force on the web, Cloudflare’s network is central to traffic flow, enhancing user experiences worldwide.

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Unrivaled Speed

Cloudflare’s global presence ensures lightning-fast content delivery and application performance.

Cloudflare at a Glance

285 +
data centers worldwide

including 30 in China, Cloudflare offers an expansive network presence.

192 Tbps
of Network Capacity

Cloudflare is designed for growth, handling the traffic of over 11,500 networks, including major ISPs, cloud services, and enterprise-level connections.

50 Ms
of 95% of the internet-connected population

ensuring near-instantaneous access and protection.

Partnering for Success

Ensuring Secure and Optimized Online Experiences

Brixio addresses these challenges through a comprehensive approach. By integrating Cloudflare’s advanced security solutions, we protect against a wide array of cyber threats, ensuring your digital assets are secure. Our performance optimization techniques significantly reduce load times, enhancing user experience and SEO. Additionally, we assist with compliance, ensuring your operations meet all relevant regulations, giving you peace of mind.


Included services

SASE & SSE Platform

Comprehensive solutions for Zero Trust security (ZTNA, SWG, CASB), network connectivity (WANaaS, FWaaS), Cloud Email Security, DLP, RBI, DEX, DDoS, and more

Application Security & Performance

Secure and speed up web apps, APIs, and websites using advanced WAF, DDoS protection, CDN, and DNS services.

Network Security & Performance

Extend protection to your infrastructure with Layer 3 DDoS protection, firewall services, interconnects, and intelligent routing.

Developer Platform

Build and deploy serverless applications with the scale, performance, security, and reliability provided by Cloudflare.

Added Value

The Benefits of Partnering with Brixio for Cloudflare Services

Cloudflare-Certified Resources

Our team is composed of certified professionals adept in Cloudflare technologies, ensuring you receive knowledgeable and skilled service.

Up-to-Date Training

Brixio stays current with the latest Cloudflare updates and innovations, translating to cutting-edge solutions for your needs


Our deep experience with onboarding and managing applications means your transition to Cloudflare will be smooth and reliable.

Direct Cloudflare Communication

We maintain a direct line of communication with Cloudflare’s team, which facilitates prompt support and service enhancements.

24/7 Managed Services

Our round-the-clock managed services ensure your Cloudflare solutions are always functioning optimally, without interruption.

Complementary Services

Beyond Cloudflare’s offerings, Brixio provides additional services that complement and enhance your cybersecurity posture.

Cost-Effective Solutions

With Brixio, you gain access to Cloudflare’s powerful tools and services in a cost-effective package that maximizes your investment.

Succes Stories

The Brixio’s Portfolio

Dive deep into our Business Case to understand how we’ve overcome complex challenges and delivered tangible results for our clients.

Securing ERP with Cloudflare Access: A Brixio Case Study

#IT Services

Leading Diamond Company Global Learning Management System on Azure with China Access 

#Learning Management System

Clarity in Every Query

While Cloudflare’s Web Application Firewall (WAF) is robust and capable, partnering with a managed service provider like Brixio to manage your WAF can offer several benefits:

  1. Expertise: Brixio’s certified experts can fine-tune the WAF settings to your specific applications’ needs, ensuring maximum protection without impeding legitimate traffic.
  2. Proactive Management: We continuously monitor and adjust WAF configurations to protect against evolving threats and zero-day vulnerabilities.
  3. Custom Rules and Policies: Our team can create custom WAF rules and policies tailored to the unique security requirements of your business, beyond default settings.
  4. Time Savings: Offloading the management of the WAF to Brixio frees your internal team to focus on core business activities rather than the intricacies of security management.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: With Brixio, you gain access to advanced security management without the need for additional in-house resources, reducing overall costs.
  6. 24/7 Support: We provide round-the-clock support, ensuring that any security incidents are addressed immediately, minimizing potential damage or downtime.

Brixio prioritizes continuous learning and development. Our team regularly attends Cloudflare’s training sessions and updates their certifications to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring our solutions leverage the very latest in Cloudflare’s technology offerings.

Yes, Cloudflare is compatible with virtually any hosting environment.

We provide guidance and solutions to meet various compliance requirements.

Absolutely. Brixio has a proven track record of successfully onboarding both applications and organizations onto Cloudflare. Our methodical approach ensures a seamless transition with minimal disruption to your services.

Our managed services for Cloudflare are comprehensive and around-the-clock. We monitor your systems 24/7, proactively manage issues, and provide rapid response to inquiries and incidents, all while ensuring your Cloudflare setup is optimized for performance and security.

As a direct partner, Brixio offers several unique advantages: from certified and trained experts, a direct line for communication for expedited support, to cost-effective managed services that enhance Cloudflare’s offerings. This partnership means your business can rely on us for advanced security, performance, and reliability.

Ready to Elevate Your Online Presence?

Don’t let security threats and slow site speeds hold you back. Contact Brixio today to learn more about our Cloud Managed Cloudflare Services and take the first step towards a secure and optimized digital presence.